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Sqn Ldr Marshall

Summer Camp Cancelled - Other Events Planned

We are sorry to confirm that the CTT have cancelled the summer camp organised for Swynnerton at the end of June. This has been firmly out of our hands and is a result of the continuing uncertainty surrounding government restrictions on youth and other activities.

All those who have paid for a place will be refunded.

We are able to offer two new events to cadets, both free of charge and open to cadets in Year 10 and above regardless of whether they applied for the summer camp.

  1. The CTT are running a series of day events at the Cadet Army HQ in Frimley. We have been allocated Saturday June 26th for those cadets who may wish to attend. The event, being run by the Cadet Training Team, comprises a rotation of four stands during the day - Archery and Archery Tag, Mine Clearance, Queen's Guard Drill and Patrolling and Observation. It is an all day event, with transport leaving Sutton Grammar School in the morning (around 7.30am, time to be confirmed) and returning late afternoon to SGS on the same day. The event is open to cadets in Years 10 and above at present, and the application form will be placed on the website as usual.

  2. SGS CCF are aiming to run an overnight Field Exercise in August, between 7th and 11th August. This is likely to be split into two specific exercises, replicating each other and with cadets applying to their preferred dates (8th-9th or 10th-11th). This is again open to cadets in Years 10 and above, and for this event you will need to have passed a weapon handling test in school prior to the end of the summer term. Applications will again be set up on this website.

We are sorry that a number of cadets have had to be disappointed by the cancellation of the summer camp after a year and a half in which no camps have been able to be held. We continue to plan for a resumption of normal activities, but this is very much in the hands of the government. Covid-inspired restrictions remain unduly stringent for youth activities unfortunately.

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